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There are many exciting ways for creatives + techies in all things media to participate on REAP and give your career and projects a big boost!  We want REAP to be your circle of friends who always has your back and never stops encouraging you to be proud of being an artist and to forge on!


REAP is a new kind of hybrid online magazine - we give our readers lots of interesting original content focusing on the talents of emerging artists and the amazing people who don't get covered in the press or receive notoriety but add so much richness and quality to a production -  as well as having articles and interviews with seasoned pros who inspire innovation and offer great advice to up and comers. But we also offer so much more...


In addition to being an eclectically entertaining and informative media magazine we have included SPECIAL FEATURES on REAP to help you get the attention you deserve and grow as an artist!

It's a hard cruel world out there for people wanting to break into the Entertainment Industry, or become a published writer, receive a gallery showing, find a record label, distribute a new fashion line, lock an agent or rep, sell innovative tech products, get concert bookings, etc.  REAP allows you to become VISIBLE to an audience who cares about discovering new talent while still appreciating the more established voices they value and respect.  No matter what stage of career you are in or what your creative and tech interests are - REAP has something vital to give you.


We help support your career goals by giving you a wide space to shine in so you have a chance to build a loyal following of creative enthusiasts who value your individual talents.  The more people who get to know you = the more successful you will become.



Screen Shot 2013-11-13 at 6.10.25 AMThis is a perfect platform for people who are developing a creative or tech project or production to post and document updates on the progress they are making. PRODUCTION DIARIES also gives you the means to reach out to our audience and see if anyone can give you the additional help you need to succeed. With PRODUCTION DIARIES, you create an interest in your project from the get-go and keep the audience with you until you have finished all of the challenging stages of your production.  So what happens after you complete your project?  REAP doesn't abandon you - we have another special feature that gives you ongoing support... View Production Diary Guidelines here.

Screen Shot 2013-11-12 at 3.06.01 PMOnce your project is finished [and this can be for virtually any kind of creative or tech project] - INDIE EYE gives you the ability to promote yourself by posting all the updates on your project's current and future status. FOR EXAMPLE:  You just finished producing a film and have been accepted into several film festivals - INDIE EYE provides an easy to use platform for you to inform the audience you have built and the audience you will continue to build on REAP about all of your latest achievements. You can post screenings, album release dates, youTube videos, book publishing launches and signings, gallery exhibits, pop-up store events, DJ gigs, concert schedules, performance venues, TV/WEB/FILM/RADIO appearances, etc. INDIE EYE is like having your own PR department - and it's FREE. It doesn't get much better than that! GET INVOLVED!

Screen Shot 2013-11-12 at 8.10.04 AMIf you are going to be developing a project or are presently actively involved in producing a project and in need of assistance from talented people - COLLABORATE is a feature that helps you get the word out there and find the individuals - team - or company who can turn your dreams into reality.  All you have to do is post what you are doing and what or who you are looking for and the right folks will find you. There's no reason to struggle alone when you can use REAP'S COLLABORATE FEATURE that can put you in touch with fellow creatives/techies who want to help each other accomplish their goals. GET INVOLVED!

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REAP wants you to be published!  Are you tired of receiving rejections?  Doors being slammed in your face?  People unfairly passing judgment on your writing skills? Well, REAP can transform all that negativity in your lives into POSITIVITY and give you a platform to express yourself through thoughtful writing.  We will PUBLISH your articles, reviews, blogs, essays, commentaries, poems, short stories, plays, flash fiction, novels, screenplays, humorous musings, etc.  However, we will not publish hate speech, cruel rantings, or arbitrary trashings.  REAP is all about wanting to help change the world in positive ways - not add to the inhumanity that already abundantly exists on our planet. UR SAY is a powerful tool to open minds, inspire creativity, and illuminate social injustices.  In addition to using the written word - REAP will also post user-generated videos, artwork, photos, and music. GET INVOLVED!

Screen Shot 2013-11-12 at 8.10.34 AMBeing a creative person and an innovator isn't easy!  Often times life can seem unrelentingly brutal when it's difficult to make progress on your projects and you are facing one demoralizing rejection after another - or want your tireless work efforts finally acknowledged by someone who can move your career forward.  It's bad enough experiencing depressing and stressful emotions on your own - but family and friends can also suffer from the collateral damage that subjective opinion-making can cause.  Maintaining a heathy mental state is crucial to being productive and to remaining committed to believing in yourself.  REAP understands the ups and downs of the creative fields - all the complexities involved in staying the course and the sacrifices made to make art. Our two ADVICE COLUMNISTS are highly skilled at helping people through tough times and are available to address your concerns. Please don't hesitate to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. them and get the support and guidance you are seeking from professionals.

ReapAwardsThe REAP AWARDS are coming soon and will be accepting NOMINATIONS from viewers!  You will be able to send us video/images along with a written description of why your CANDIDATE should be considered for a REAP AWARD.  We will have numerous nomination categories to select from.  The REAP AUDIENCE along with REAP'S PANEL OF EXPERTS will decide on the WINNERS THANKSGIVING 2014! Soon you will be able to nominate someone. Watch this space!

FONEITIN.FINAL.REAPSubmit your film to REV UP'S FONE IT IN! THREE MINUTES OR LESS CELL PHONE FILM FESTIVAL! They are giving away CASH and GREAT PRIZES! Watch for 2015 deadline dates soon!

askHave you hit a brick wall trying to figure out how to do something creative or techie? Are the new operating systems making you go bonkers?  Wondering what path to take with your career?  Want the scoop on a new camera or gadget before you commit to buying it?  Have you been trying to find out the best classes to enroll in to upgrade your skills?  Need referrals for a good attorney, accountant, agent, coder, web designer, theatre rentals, social media experts, etc.? Reach out to the knowledgeable REAP community and they will answer your A-Z questions and concerns and point you in the right direction. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

ListSellList & Sell - Someone's junk is always someone else's treasure. Our readers want what you don't need! So, if you're looking for a free place to sell your stuff, list it with Reap's List & Sell. Just complete the simple form here. Your email, address and telephone numbers remain private. Once your product is listed you will receive emails from Reap (who guarantees protection of your privacy) from interested buyers.

ReapJobsVisit our job bank with daily updates and learn about  job openings all over the country. 

ReapPaperLi.LogoYou're never out of touch when you read the REAP NEWS!

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