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You Blew It’s Debut Album Brings the Sad Back!

By Andrew Mathwick


If I were 16, and still in High School, You Blew It’s debut album, Grow Up, Dude would be the soundtrack to my existence. The Orlando based Alternative-Emo group released Grow Up, Dude under Topshelf Records last year, and I haven’t stopped crying since. Citing inspiration from, The Get Up Kids, and American Football they take the listener back to a time in the late 90s where being Emo didn’t mean having really-bad-looking straightened hair, or owning more than zero pairs of neon colored jeans (no gimmicks here). But instead, lyrics that actually meant something. And with some of the saddest sounding guitar riffs, since Four Minute Mile we truly get to think about death (in a good way).

“When will I see that superstitions mean everything?” Is painfully-sung twice on the 51 second opening song, leading us into what will be a heart-wrenching 35 minute no-girls-allowed-inspired album. As the record progresses we are handed different themes about relationships and heartbreak. The 4th song on the album, “Terry Vs. Tori” begins with Tanner Jones (lead vocalist) crying/screaming into the mic, “I’m usually not one to pick fights, but you really crossed the line, this time,” followed by an iconic opening chord, instantly reminding me of how much girls suck!! And, more importantly the classic song Don’t Hate Me by The Get Up Kids.

A perfect example of how You Blew It! captured that late 90s sound perfectly. The on-purpose-low-quality sounding recorded instruments also add to that 90s essence, and compliment the cry-style vocals very well. Every song on Grow Up, Dude has in-a-good-way-depressing lyrics and sound but, Track 10, “I’m Bill Paxton” serves as a more upbeat track. This is a nice contrast to the majority of the album’s slower-less-happy-feely songs. This track almost gives the listener the feeling that things will be ok! Until we are just torn back down on the very next song (yay!!).

Listening to this album makes you wonder, “Is Orlando a more depressing city then we all thought??!?!?” A place you wouldn’t expect an Emo-album with this caliber of realness and sadness to come out of. Considering that, that late 90s genre has more of a home in the MidWest. The Get Up Kids, American Football, The Promise Ring, and Cap’n Jazz all big names of that genre, all came from Midwestern States. It’s however, impressive and intriguing to see an album like this come from The Sunshine State (Sadshine State??). Normally, when thinking of Orlando, I’d think of Disney World or the birthplace of two members of not only ‘N Sync, but also, The Backstreet Boys!! Regardless, I’m happy to see that You Blew It! can prove to me that no matter where you live you can be very sad in a very good way.

While I admit that if you’re unfamiliar with this album or even this type of music you may not like it. It’s definitely an acquired taste. But, I truly believe it’s one worth acquiring and hopefully, eventually loving. Grow Up, Dude is an album I highly recommend.

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