What If Trump Was Black???
By Tina Valin
I was wondering if Trump had been born as an African-American male - would he be any different than he is as a white man today - and if so in what ways?
First of all, the rules of this pretend game are: Trump's parents also have to vaguely start out in a similar fashion to their real histories: Father Fred was born in the United States and worked as a carpenter. Mother Mary was a Scottish immigrant who attained employment as a domestic servant in the States and then became a naturalized citizen. Now the fun begins!
I would suspect that Freddie struggled to find steady work that paid a living wage to an African-American skilled laborer in the early 1920s, even though his abilities were far superior to the whites applying for the same jobs. Trump's daddy had a super strong work ethic and did whatever it took to survive during the most challenging of times. Fred felt that his potential employers denied him work solely based upon seeing his skin color. As a clear victim of racism - he despised all aspects of it and was tired of waiting for Civil Rights Legislation to pass. Fred aspired to start his own construction business but couldn't obtain a bank loan. These blatant acts of discrimination sickened him and in his spare time got involved in community activism.
Mary never gave up her love for America, even though she had a hard time juggling the bills to keep her five kids clothed, fed, schooled, and healthy. As a Black woman and an immigrant, it made her feel doubly threatened in a country that poked fun at her thick Scottish accent, and looked down on her class status. People wondered why she ever bothered to come live in the United States and told her she wasn't welcome here. Her children were bullied daily in school. Donald was the only one who dared to fight back.
The young Donald was rebellious and wouldn't mind his mom. His father tried to talk some sense into him but it became increasingly more and more obvious that his son seemed to have emotional problems. What were they to do with their difficult child? Their Minister suggested that the boy take his aggressive behavior out on a ball and encouraged the Trumps to get Donald interested in sports. This worked for a short time as long as Donald was winning. The teenager quickly became overly-obsessed with winning and would have temper tantrums when his team lost a game. Eventually Donald started acting out in dangerous ways. He would go over to the winning team's houses to break some windows and deflate car tires. Fred and Mary were at their wit's end with him and made an appointment to take Donald to see a psychiatrist.
Unfortunately, that intervention wasn't to be. The police had caught their son in the act of trespassing on a white person's property and nearly cracked his head open with a baton beating. He was then lugged off to juvenile court and sentenced to finish his high school years in a sadistic Reform School. Life there was almost unbearable for him. Donald swore to himself that he would survive the brutality and go on to have his sweet revenge on all the kids and grown-ups who treated him badly. When he was finally released, Trump had aged beyond his 18 years and hit the streets seeking ways to get rich. He knew that power was born from wealth. Donald lost respect for his father because he felt he let white guys take advantage of him. He admired the strong-arm tactics of the Italian Mafia and offered them his tough-guy services. Donald made a good impression and was hired to collect the rents from their Black impoverished tenants.
This entry level job didn't satisfy Donald's grand ambitions. He asked his good fella to be promoted to another position where he could show off his winning talents and was so convincing in their meeting that he was assigned to a busy street corner with the objective of pushing drugs to vulnerable Black kids in Harlem. Donald enjoyed doing this sales-oriented job a great deal and in a matter of months he started to make more money than his father. His rationalization for selling drugs to children was that they were going to buy them anyway so why not buy them from him?
The police precinct Captain got wind of a cocky Black young man who refused to split his profits with the corrupt white cops on the beat and had his ass hauled in to jail - a real jail. Fred hired an attorney who did his best to compassionately plea on Donald's behalf - beseeching the Judge that he was really a good kid who never caught a break and had chronic mental health issues that went untreated. Despite his efforts at asking for leniency and understanding, Donald was convicted of selling narcotics to minors. He went on to serving three years in the state pen. The time he spent there was even more brutal than his days at Reform School. He was raped on several occasions while guards watched on and jeered him. Donald's answer to abuse and injustice was to bulk up and become a formidable boxer. After awhile, he evolved into being the one to fear on the yard. Thanks to a prison reform program, Donald managed to learn a trade there. When he finally walked out of the gates of hell, a liberal give-a-con-a-second-chance organization came to his aid and found him work as a baker in a large New York City hotel.
Donald never got into trouble again. He fell in love and married a Mexican undocumented worker named Maria, who also was employed at the same hotel working in Housekeeping and they had five children together. Donald figured out clever ways to commandeer hotel deliveries and acquired the world's largest collection of hotel soaps, shampoos, lotions, mini-bar supplies, and linens. His stash allowed him to earn a little extra money on the side that he put towards his kids' education. He felt he wasn't committing a crime since his salary was less than what the white workers received and he was being ripped-off by a bigoted management. By the time Donald celebrated his 45th birthday, a nice Jewish couple who donated to the school his children attended, offered to help him open up his own bakery. He accepted their generous offer. The bakery, Trumps, became a hit in the Murray Hill section of Manhattan, well located near Grand Central Terminal.
Donald and his wife, supported their local Democratic Club in Brooklyn and helped campaign for progressive Black and minority candidates. Over the years, through thick and thin, Donald never lost his passion for winning. All of the candidates they tirelessly worked for were eventually elected to office. Donald went on to co-author a best-selling book called, The Art of the Steal (or how I learned to survive in a rigged and racist White America).
Donald's children all graduated from college and became teachers, lawyers, and a doctor. He dedicated his book to the Psychologist who gave him free treatment for his ADHD, Narcissism Disorder, and vengeful behavior. Donald donates a significant percentage of his earnings from his book to the ACLU, a variety of Gay Rights organizations because his eldest son and daughter are gay, and also contributes to the NAACP, National Urban League, NPR, PETA, and Planned Parenthood. He considers Barack Obama to be the greatest American President ever.
Fred and Mary lived long enough to be very proud of how Donald turned out. They credit his wife, Maria, with giving Donald unconditional love, the kindness and generosity of strangers, and support from professionals who had the expertise to show their son that there is another path in life - a path that leads to peace. Donald's favorite saying is credited to Obama - "Keep hope alive." He makes a point of repeating it to every person he meets in his bakery, sits next to on the subway, or passes on the street.