Collaborate On Projects
U Can Turn Your Dreams Into Reality With The Help of Reap's Tech and Creative Audience
If you are going to be developing a project or are presently actively involved in producing a project and in need of assistance from talented people - COLLABORATE is a feature that helps you get the word out there and find the individuals - team - or company who can turn your dreams into reality. All you have to do is post what you are doing and what or who you are looking for and the right folks will find you. There's no reason to struggle alone when you can use REAP'S COLLABORATE FEATURE that can put you in touch with fellow creatives/techies who want to help each other accomplish their goals. GET INVOLVED!
Voice Over Narrative is Needed By Dean Lachiusa
Principle footage for Cosmic Pizza was shot 14 years ago. Recently I tossed away the original script and using the original DV clips, I composed an entirely new storyline.
The current 92 minute mix will be complete after I add a new Voice Over narrative.
I'll need a talented, comedic narrator.
I'll also need a new media kit -- everything from Posters, One sheets, web design, and DVD covers.
Please see www.CosmicPizza.org for first drafts of the teaser and other material.
A secure online screener is on Vimeo, and this is something I will share with those who decide to help me out.
To help out Dean Lachiusa Contact him via email or by phone:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - (313) 308-2439
Crew Needed in Hungary
Looking for crew to produce a video about children going sledding with the occasion of the first snowfall during the winter season.
A singer is also welcome to join in the production of a future evergreen!
Gravity Twine: Joining the sledride!
This is a priceless opportunity!
Please feel free to contact me here