5 Reasons To Try Windows 8 Phone
By Kia Dargahi
5. Full integration with Windows software
If you live in the 21st century, chances are that you have had a computer running Windows. Although some of you may have a Mac, this could be your reason to switch. Microsoft has boasted time and again about its homogenous ecosystem, and with the iteration of Windows 8, Windows 8 RT, and Windows Phone 8; it has proven its worth. Although some say that there is no reason and that it is in fact counterintuitive to have an identical user interface across the board, the automatic syncing and familiar working environment make for a fantastic combination.
4. Live tiles
Notifications. You get them on Android, and you get them on iOS. In fact, notifications have evolved so similarly on the two operating systems that at first glance they look like carbon copies of each other. They differ by what seems to be an idiosyncrasy: On iOS, in order to find out which app has notified you, there’s a badge with a number. On Android, however, there are symbols for each app that appear at the top of the notification bar. Microsoft has taken what appears to be a leap of faith with the concept of live tiles. These ever-active tiles constantly refresh and pull new information from each app. Why should you try this? Well, instead of having a cluster of notifications, it’s much easier to go to the app that you want and find all of the updates waiting right in front of you.
3. Clean interface
Windows 8 Phone’s metro UI is quite possibly the only unanimously agreed-upon software that can claim a sleek and clean interface. This modern approach to software is a refreshing change. When comparing Samsung’s Touchwiz and Apple’s iOS, the overall look is similar, with apps organized onto a grid, a dock with the most-used apps, a background, and a notification bar. Windows 8 Phone has a certain element of new to it, and if nothing else is an eye-catcher to those who have never seen the system before. Furthermore, Microsoft is so stringent about keeping this metro look that all applications have to keep the same design elements that mark the Redmond interface. This design language has a professional and matured aspect to it that renders the user experience more coherent and satisfying.
2. Optimization
As many people with Windows phones will tell you, their battery life is great: on par, if not better, than some of the most popular and best smartphones on the market. But the focus here isn’t battery life. Phones running Microsoft’s software do not have to have the highest-end specs in order to feel just as fluid, if not more so, than Android, iOS, and Blackberry 10. How does this reflect on the user’s end? In fact, there are two positive effects of this optimization: Windows phones don’t start to lag after a couple of major software updates, and they generally cost less than other phones on the market. There are even some phones, such as the Nokia Lumia 521, that cost less than $150 off contract. I speak from experience after playing with a friend’s that this does not feel like a cheap phone. It’s quick and has a great feel in hand that just cannot be matched at this price point.
1. Nokia
Whether you agree or not, Nokia is perhaps the manufacturer with the best overall products on the market. Have you seen the new Lumia 1520? The phone has one of the nicest screens on the market, an excellent Pureview camera, a fantastic feel in hand and top-of-the-line specs. The catch? Other than being a tad big for most (6-inch screen), I can’t find any flaws with the phone. And it’s not just this specific phone; Nokia has had a history of excellence for as long as I can remember. Ever heard of the unbreakable phone? Yup, that’s a Nokia (3310). One of the first phones to run Linux, has an infrared blaster, stand, front and back cameras, stylus, and LED flash that came out in 2009? That’s right: a Nokia (N900). As far as I’m concerned, Nokia is the most well-rounded manufacturer on the market. The fact that Microsoft has bought out Nokia and is implementing its technology directly into products starting January is a hope for the somewhat stagnant OS.
Have I convinced you to try out the Redmond ecosystem? Let us know in the comments!