Hits: 14654



We Remember Philip Seymour Hoffman  By Dale Angell

RAW: Natural Born Artists  By Amber Topping

The Cast of 'August: Osage County' Talks  By Erin Whitney

Design: Chef Jack Lee By Amber Topping

10 Things I Want In A Filmmaker By Brette Goldstein

What The Heck Is Transmedia?  By Mira Zimet 

Hollywood’s Rise In Body Shaming   By Sa'iyda Shabazz

Hollywood Blockbusters  By Mike Cervantes 

Magnificent Motion: Skateboarding  By Alfredo Madrid

Five Bands That Need To Come Out Of Hiatus  By Mary Carreon

Purgatory - A Short Story By Adele Portnoy

PRZMAN: The Martha Stewart of Men's Lifestyle  By Marina Anderson

PRZMAN: 5 Shaving Tips  By Pirooz Sarshar

Dancers From Cirque De Soleil Teach  By Brittany Lombardi 


Dallas Buyers Club Screenwriters By Erin Whitney

Vocal Point: Carmen Lundy By Tina Valin

Elliott Gould: Yet Another Encore By Shirley Craig 

Inspiration: Robin Riker By  Bridget Brady

Visionary: Gene Baur's Farm Sanctuary  By Shirley Craig

Filmmaker Tommy Reid Talks $uperthief By Amber Topping

The Evolution Of Female Characters In Media  By Amber Topping 

Spotlight On Talent: Fred Sayeg - The Encore of Tony Duran  By Shirley Craig

Chuck Workman’s What Is Cinema? By Erin Whitney

An Interview With Francis Pacheco Rivera  By Brittany Lombardi 


The Sundance Film Festival  By Dale Angell

The Unofficial Guide To Being Nice  By Ralphael Prepetit

Diary Of A Feature Film - A Place Apart  By Theresa Schwartz

5 Indie Movies That Will Stimulate Your Brain  By Andrew Mathwick

Beyond Broadway: A Guide For Dancers  By Brittany Lombardi

The Selfie: The Modern, Digital Self-Portrait  By Erin Whitney

Dear Social Media Abstainers: An Open Letter   By Ralphael Prepetit

Thumbs Up and Thumbs Down 2013   By Ralphael Prepetit

Lovers, Dreamers and Me - Life Changing Art  By Trevor Ziegler

Top Ten Celebrity Apps  By Kia Dargahi

5 Reasons To Try Windows 8 Phone   By Kia Dargahi


Go To Work And Do Your Job... By Andrew Mathwick

We The Kings By Andrew Mathwick

The Sorrows of Satan  By Alexander Ostroff


Life Is A Balancing Act  By Stephanie Prince Ling, MFT

Keeping the Dream Alive!  By Christine Brondyke



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